Olga’s area of expertise is Operations Management and she has shown interest in joining Bradford’s Operations and Information Management Group – an area where there is a real shortage in the business world. The Dean, Professor Arthur Francis, is delighted to have Olga join his school and during her fellowship period she will have entry onto their DBA Programme and undertake her Doctorate as part of her transition from business into academia under the terms of her Fellowship. In October 2007 Olga Matthias joined Bradford University School of Management as an ESRC/FME Fellow for a period of three years.

“My interest in converting to an academic career has been a long simmering one” Conclusions: School’s policies and programs that focus on promoting feeding practices and improving childhood nutrition will benefit children.2nd ESRC/FME Fellowship awarded – this time to Bradford University School of Management There were statistically significant associations between Body Mass Index for age (Underweight, Normal and Overweight cum Obese) and respectively. Two hundred and sixty five (88.3%) of them fed at least thrice daily, 92(30.7%) skipped breakfast regularly, while 215(71.7%) had school meals during break period. Results: There were more females 158(52.7%) than males while the mean and median ages were 9.7☐.3 and 10.6☐.3 years respectively. A p value of ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. Nutritional assessment was done using anthropometric parameters, while Chi-square test was used to identify statistically significant associations between variables. Data was collected using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire and analysed using statistical package for social sciences version 22.0. Materials and methods: This was a descriptive cross sectional study of 300 pupils of a selected public primary school in Aladinma Owerri, Nigeria. Objective: To assess the feeding practices and determinants of the nutritional status of pupils in a public primary school in Aladinma Owerri, Nigeria. Thus, periodic assessment of the nutritional status and factors affecting it among this often neglected group remains imperative. Email: Poor feeding practices with its consequence of malnutrition is a serious impediment to child health, growth and development. Correspondence to: Chinomnso C Nnebue, Department of HIV Care and Department of Community Medicine, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching HospitalNnewi, Nigerias. International Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Feeding Practices and Determinants of the Nutritional Status of Pupils in a Public Primary School in Aladinma Owerri, Nigeria. 1, 12-18 DOI: 10.12691/ijcn-4-1-3 Copyright © 2016 Science and Education Publishing Cite this paper: Chinomnso C Nnebue, Amobi L Ilika, Kenechi A Uwakwe, Chukwuma B Duru, Stanley K Onah, Helen O Abu, Ezinne O Oguejiofor, Millicent T Gbarage, Sylvester A Idoro. Chinomnso C Nnebue 1,, Amobi L Ilika 2, Kenechi A Uwakwe 3, Chukwuma B Duru 3, Stanley K Onah 4, Helen O Abu 5, Ezinne O Oguejiofor 5, Millicent T Gbarage 5, Sylvester A Idoro 5ġDepartment of HIV Care and Department of Community Medicine, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching HospitalNnewi, NigeriasĢDepartment of Community Medicine, Nnamdi Azikiwe University/University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, NigeriaģDepartment of Community Medicine, Imo State University/University Teaching HospitalOrlu, NigeriaĤDepartment of Pediatrics, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital Nnewi, NigeriaĥDepartment of Community Medicine, Madonna University Elele, Nigeria International Journal of Clinical Nutrition.