The group's intended solution to the problem is rather simplistic and hinges on them just rigging the game so that the person / people they're trying to help easily wins.Someone unhappy about their participation in the game deliberately throws the intended campaign off the rails, resulting in the game being played across multiple rooms.One of the party's magic users is killed early in the game due another player's actions.

Black Woman Dies First: Shirley, though she only dies in the game.Biggus Dickus: Hector the Well-Endowed returns, and Annie is once again stuck with playing him.The Bet: The only reason Hickey and his son agree to continue playing.Bathos: A dramatic moment in the game is interrupted by Hank asking for a toothpick because a piece of popcorn is stuck in his tooth.Awkward Father-Son Bonding Activity: Hank and Hickey feel this way about the D&D game.