Blog del narco decapitados
Blog del narco decapitados

blog del narco decapitados

In addition, we bring you gore videos depicting gruesome beheadings from most dangerous Mexican cartels. Through earlythe sicario proved so valuable The Zetas vs Sinaloa Cartel police erected an even bigger wildcat programme around him, recruiting more than a dozen cartel henchmen and Zegas them in a small, worn. El video muestra a cuatro mujeres de rodillas en un campo, con las manos atadas a la espalda. From Reynosa to Nuevo Laredo to Juarez, the. Hence, we bring you all the latest cartel murders and executions. My wife and I had decided to go see a movie, but had nothing we were really looking forward to at the time. You could take Sicario as a corrective to Kathryn. An FBI agent gets caught in an assassination Sinxloa against a cartel leader, and a bionic woman goes back in time to protect the new savior of the future. These videos and social media create a distorted idea of what it is like for most women in the cartel world, say the journalist Valdez. México: decapitan a precandidata en el estado de Guerrero

blog del narco decapitados

Sad numbers are painting a grim picture as to the number of children who are being charged with murder in Mexico. En el video, los supuestos sicarios del CJNG advierten que es lo que les ocurre a quienes se dedican a extorsionar, violar y cobrar cuotas. Most of the cartel videos besides executions shows the face of cartel members. Ultimate Opposition: Alejandro faces off with the baddest hombres south of the Rio Grande. The first Sicario was a sleeper hit for me. Sicario is a tentacled drug cartel thriller grabbing viewers by the throat and squeezing for two hours. Un fuerte video fue difundido en las redes sociales donde sicarios descuartizan a hombre como lo hacia el Cartel del Golfo con los Zetas, en el se puede ver a un hombre en el suelo, le cortan la cabeza. His violent history is similar to the stories of legions of assassins in Latin. Financial analysis of Sicario including budget, domestic and international box office gross, DVD and Blu-ray sales reports, total earnings and profitability. The execution takes place in an open field.

Blog del narco decapitados